Patient and community disclosure

GSK has provided Ovarian Cancer Australia $60,000 in funding to expand their new Exercise & Nutrition program.
GSK donated $25,000 to the Immune Deficiencies Foundation of Australia to fund 'Circle of Support' - a Peer Support and Mentoring Program.
GSK donated $50,000 towards a series of projects supporting individuals and families affected by rare cancers.
Lung Foundation Australia is the only charity that funds life-saving research, and champion programs and services to support Australians with lung disease and lung cancer hope to live their best life.
GSK donated $25,000 to support expansion of their Peer Support Program.
$10,000 sponsorship of the NPON Annual Conference 2023.
Grant for $20,000 to cover the printing costs of Indigenous meningococcal signs and symptoms education materials.
GSK donated $2000 for the conduct of the 2022 DeCastella Run.
Asthma Australia is a for-purpose, consumer organisation with a history of improving the lives of people with asthma. They provide disease education, information, research, community advocacy and support to people with asthma and as well as their careers.
In 2021, GSK donated $159,425 over various Asthma Australia projects. This included funding insights for improved-patient centred care, funding for an OCS Overuse Proposal and funding to support the development of a patient education video series.
GSK donated $75,000 to the Immunisation Foundation of Australia in 2021 to support an adult vaccination community education campaign.
Pink Hope is a preventative health hub that empower people to take charge of their own health. By providing the community with tools to assess, manage and reduce their risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Providing personalised support every step of the way for at-risk women.
GSK provided Pink Hope with $30,000 to support conduct focus groups with sub-sections of their community, to identify gaps in health services and inform their advocacy and campaign efforts.
Asthma Australia is a for-purpose, consumer organisation with a history of improving the lives of people with asthma. They provide disease education, information, research, community advocacy and support to people with asthma and as well as their careers.
In 2021, GSK donated $53,000 over various Asthma Australia projects. This included funding for Aboriginal Webinar Series for Consumers and funding for an educational activity to prompt a different way of thinking about asthma for patients and their support networks including reflection on their symptoms.
Pink Hope is a preventative health hub that empower people to take charge of their own health. By providing the community with tools to assess, manage and reduce their risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Providing personalised support every step of the way for at-risk women.
GSK provided Pink Hope with $72,000 medical grant for disease awareness.
GSK has provided Ovarian Cancer Australia $60,000 for Consumer Survey & Development of a support and resources plan. In aims to support the engagement of a consulting firm to deliver of a survey and develop recommendations which will be outlined in a Support and Resources Plan.
Lung Foundation Australia is the only charity that funds life-saving research, and champion programs and services to support Australians with lung disease and lung cancer hope to live their best life.
GSK donated $52,800 in Supporting consumer access to pulmonary exercise after COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, LFA suspended operation of its national Lungs in Action (LiA) program to reduce the risk posed by transmission of coronavirus to vulnerable people living with lung conditions. With community transmission declining across Australia, the Lungs in Action program has reopened in October 2020 supported by a comprehensive Roadmap to Recovery Framework.
GSK has donated $40,000 to Centre for Community Driven Research to run structured interview of 50 participants to understand how citizens experience Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in their everyday lives.
Rare Cancers are the peak body for a large range of cancers and CanForum is their annual meeting. Due to logistics required for a virtual meeting GSK has provided $15,000 to assistance with costs towards their November 2021 meeting.
GSK donated $200,000 to the Australian Bushfire crisis.
GSK donated $25,000 to the Australian Bushfire crisis for animal rescue in Victoria.
GSK has donated $25,000 to the Australian Bushfire crisis for animal rescue in NSW.
Funding request for $100,000.00 per year over three years for the Connected Beginnings program in Doomadgee QLD which aims to get children and their parents ready for school and improve their health outcomes.
Sponsorship of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Australia Patient Organisation Network in the amount of $10,000.
Sponsorship for $21,000 for 6 events over 12 months and $10,000 for promotion of events, to building education, empowerment and inspiration through educational evening events.
Grant for $30,000 for fees associated with presence of Meningitis Centre at national baby expos to reach parents and soon-to-be parents.
Funding for $15,000 for peer support program - regular webinar series (10 per year) targeting a range of self-management issues.
Grant of $31,862 to Hepatits Victoria for a Health literacy program + Grantof $15,000 to expand the Lung Foundation Living Well Webinar series in 2020.
Grant of $20,000 to Hepatitis Australia towards World Hepatitis Day activities.
GSK granted $20,000 to support updating the Asthma Australia Handbook.
Asthma Australia is a for-purpose, consumer organisation with a history of improving the lives of people with asthma. They provide disease education, information, research, community advocacy and support to people with asthma and as well as their carers.
In 2019, GSK donated $75,000 for year one of a two-year project: Delivery of Emergency Department Discharge Protocol (EDP) in Victoria. The project aims to develop and implement an optimised and systematic discharge planning protocol for patients who have attended the Emergency Department for management of an acute asthma episode.
Lung Foundation Australia supports all aspects of lung health from asthma and COPD to pulmonary hypertension and cancer, providing community education and a toll-free patient information and support centre.
The organisation also supports research, develops educational fact-sheets, trains health professionals, and undertakes community awareness activity and advocacy around Australia.
In 2019, GSK supported the following Lung Foundation Australia activities.
Lungs in Action Program Evaluation
A program based around the evidence-based intervention of pulmonary maintenance exercise. This provides people with chronic lung disease the essential need to maintain the gains achieved in Pulmonary Rehabilitation. GSK supported Lung Foundation Australia to undertake an impact evaluation of the Lungs in Action program model in 2019 to determine its effectiveness and the outcomes realised for participants (in line with the Lungs in Action 3 Year Strategic Plan). -
Pulmonary Hypertension Program 2019
Providing up-to-date information and education to people impacted by PAH. Expanding the reach of this information and education via digital platforms for people with PAH who live in rural and remote locations. Increasing the awareness of PAH in the community to support early diagnosis
Additionally, in 2019 GSK donated 1,000 each of placebo demonstration Metered Dose Inhalers, Elliptas and Accuhalers to help improve COPD patients' medicine adherence through correct inhaler device technique education.
The Meningitis Centre Australia works towards raising public awareness for the signs and symptoms of meningitis and its various forms. The Centre lobbies for vaccines in Australia and works towards eliminating meningitis in Australia.
In 2019, GSK provided $20,000 for costs associated with attendance and stall operations at five Pregnancy and Baby Expos across Australia (Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne).
Meningitis Centre Australia also received $1,800 as a charitable donation chosen by GSK staff members as part of internal GSK recognition activities.
The National Asthma Council Australia is a not-for-profit organisation working to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people with asthma.
In 2019 GSK provided $58,000 to support an update, print run (50,000 copies) and distribution of My Asthma Guide – My Handbook for Managing Asthma. This provides a comprehensive summary of asthma diagnosis and management for people with asthma and their families.
In 2019 GSK staff selected charities to receive financial donations as part of internal recognition activities. The following organisations received $1,800 each.
- Indigenous Marathon Foundation
- Rotarians Against Malaria
- Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
- Save the Children Australia
Employees also raised over $5,000 for Save the Children Australia during our 2019 'Orange United' week.