About the program
The application process
There are a few stages to our application process.
Our application form doesn’t take long to complete. We’ll ask you to upload your CV, complete details about your studies and confirm your eligibility to work in the market where your chosen programme is based.
You will be invited to complete our ‘World of GSK’ online assessment. It is an online assessment that will help us determine your strengths and suitability for our program. It will also give you an insight into what we do and how we work.
You’ll watch videos featuring some of our colleagues who will tell you about what they do at GSK. We’ll then set up scenarios and ask you how you would manage the situation.
After you complete the World of GSK assessment, we’ll let you know if you’ve made it to the next stage. Regardless of outcome you will get personalised feedback to help you develop your strengths further.
The next stage of our assessment includes a GSK life job simulation. You’ll be presented with a scenario with some key business facts and asked to respond through video, writing and multiple choice. We’ll also ask you more about why you want to work here and, if you’ve applied for a technical role, we’ll ask you some technical questions. This assessment will require you to also record some video responses to a number of "strengths based" questions.
If you progress to a Virtual Interview, then congratulations — you’re through to our final stage! Here, you’ll have a virtual, strengths-based interview with some of our leadership team. This is a great opportunity for you to find out more about our business and ask questions to ensure that this program will be a great fit for you.
If you progress to the next round, we will conduct reference and employment checks.
Great news! If all goes well with reference and employment checks, we’ll make you an offer to become one of our Graduate Researchers. We’ll talk you through the next steps and use everything we’ve learned about you to make sure you get off to the best possible start in your future career.
What roles are available?
We are still finalising positions for our 2024 intake. Watch this space!
Where can I apply?
We are still finalising positions for our 2024 intake. Watch this space!